2.1 - Intro to Limits

Definition of a limit

Whether or not a limit exists

Finding limits algebraically


  1. Direct substitution: just plug the limit into the function. Sometimes this doesn’t work because you get 0/0.
  2. Other strategies:
    1. Factoring
    2. Expanding
    3. Rationalizing
    4. Finding a common denominator
    5. Multiplying by a conjugate
  3. The big guns - L'Hopital's Rule

Limit of sin(x)/x

An important fact that gets used a lot in these types of problems is the fact that limx0sin(ax)ax=1 (where a can be any non-zero constant).

Average and instantaneous rates of change


An object dropped from rest from the top of a tall building falls y=16t2 in the first t seconds. Find the speed of the object at t=4 seconds.
Solution: Try using the points 4 and 4+h, where h is an infinitesimally small number.

Properties of Limits

The Sandwich Theorem