2.3 - Continuity

Testing for continuity at a point

Interior Points

A function y=f(x) is continuous at an interior point c of its domain if limxc=f(c).


A function y=f(x) is continuous at a left endpoint a or a right endpoint b of its domain if limxa+=f(a) or limxb=f(b) respectively.


Step 1: Does limxcf(x) exist?
(are the left and right hand limits equal?)
Step 2: Does f(c) exist?
Step 3: Do the limit and function value equal one another?
For these types of questions it’s important to have some kind of limit value statement in your answer.

Types of (dis)continuity

Removing a discontinuity (“filling in holes”)

Essentially just cancel terms that make the denominator zero and then evaluate the function at that point.
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Continuity and extrema

The Intermediate Value Theorem