3.3 - Basic Derivative Rules


Derivative of a Constant Function

If f is the function with constant value c, then dfdx=ddx(c)=0.

Power rule for Positive and Negative Integer Powers of x

If n is a positive integer, then ddxxn=nxn1. This works for negative integer powers too.

Constant Multiple Rule

If u is a differentiable function of x and c is a constant, then ddx(cu)=cdudx.

Sum and Difference Rule

If u and v are differentiable functions of x, then their sum and difference are differentiable at every point where u and v are differentiable. At such points, ddx(u±v)=dudx±dvdx

Product Rule

The product of two differentiable functions u and v is differentiable, and ddx(uv)=udvdx+vdudx.

Quotient Rule

At a point where v0, the quotient y=uv of two differentiable functions is differentiable, and ddx(uv)=vdudxudvdxv2.