4.4 - Optimization


Strategies for solving max/min problems

  1. Understand the problem
  2. Develop a mathematical model
  3. Graph the function/model you made
  4. Identify the function’s critical points/endpoints
  5. Solve the model
  6. Interpret the solution
    The most helpful thing for me personally is to just jump in, assign a couple of variables, and make a few equations. Then I can take derivatives and such as I please.

Example problem

A rectangle is to be inscribed under one arch of the sine curve. What is the largest area that such a rectangle can have, and what dimensions give that area?
Other/Images, Other Attachments/Pasted image 20231213185537.png

Answer: We give the points these dimensions:
Other/Images, Other Attachments/Pasted image 20231213185606.png
We can then use the rectangle area formula to get the equation A(x)=sinx(π2x). We want to maximize this, so we take a derivative and see where A(x)=0. We find that this happens when x=0.710 (rounding to 3 decimal places like a good little boy) and then can plug this value of x back into our original equation as we now know that the length of the rectangle =π2x= around 1.722 units, and the height = sinx=0.652 units. Multiply the length and width to get a final area of 1.122.
