4.6 - Related Rates

Essentially the same as 4.4 - Optimization, but this time, there are two rates, and so now you have to do Implicit Differentiation.

Rates that are related :D

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Example problem

Life of Pi

A boat is pulled toward a dock by a rope from the bow using a tool that is 6 feet above the bow. If the rope is pulled in at 2 ft/sec, how fact is the boat approaching the dock when 10 feet of rope are out?
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We use the Pythagorean theorem to develop our model: we need to relate x and r in some way to begin. We can say that x2+36=r2. We then take the derivative of this formula using implicit differentiation, getting 2xdxdt+0=2rdrdt. We know that x and r are values of a right triangle, so we know that x=8 and r=10. Given that we also know drdt, we finally solve our equation for dxdt, getting that dxdt=2.5 ft/sec.