U-Substitution for Integration

When we need to take the antiderivative of a function that would require the Chain Rule to derive, we need to use the technique of u-substitution.

Steps to perform u-sub

  1. Check to see if your problem can be simplified in some way. For example, a lot of trig functions can be simplified, which makes your life a lot easier.
  2. Pick a part of the function to substitute (to call u). Often, you will want to pick a more complicated part.
  3. Take the derivative of u with respect to x.
  4. Isolate dx.
  5. Substitute dx for your other side of the equation.
  6. Pull out constants, antidifferentiate, and put your x back in.
  7. If this doesn’t work, go back and choose a different u.
    It’s not possible to know right off the bat which u will work, so you may end up having to try a couple different values of u.


Q: Solve 2x+1dx.

  1. This problem is as simplified as we can get it.
  2. We let our u be 2x+1.
  3. This means that du=2dx.
  4. Isolating dx, we find that dx=12du.
  5. We plug in what we found to be equal to dx into the original equation and also plug our u in: 12udu
  6. We can solve this using our rules (here): 12(k3/232+c), which becomes 13(k3/2+c). Plugging x back in (remember that 2x+1=u), we get 13((2x+1)3/2+c), which is our final answer.